Crystal Stone • Civic Duty

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Crystal Stone • Civic Duty


Poetry. 56 pages. October 6, 2022.

Cover art by Joel Amat Güell
Interior art by Ally Fram & Crystal Stone

Civic Duty is an interactive love song that asks you to join the chorus of a post-colonial, pandemic america. Try on the accessories of capitalism that kept us together and apart for years. Send a postcard from your living room, try to keep up with the internet. It's lonely of purpose in the residue of slave holding constitution writers. Welcome home to your civic duties. Enjoy the freedom of disharmony and change.

“In Crystal Stone’s Civic Duty, we walk through the raw experience of being a citizen in this country — with a focus on jury duty, election participation, and pandemic isolation. What struck me hardest were the recipes and workout routines with instructions that develop as the pandemic drags on. This evolution speaks to the inequality that societal classes are experiencing due to the pandemic and the effect that leaves on human being in isolation. Civic Duty is the reality check many could use right now.”
Kelsey Bigelow, author of Sprig of Lilac

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