David J. Thompson • Grace Takes Me

Don’t Be Absurd.jpg
Don’t Be Absurd.jpg

David J. Thompson • Grace Takes Me


Photography/Poetry, 2018. 66 pages. ISBN: 978-0-9992103-4-5

David's work focuses on the decay of America. It's empty buildings, lost loves, and wistful memories conjure images filled with hope, fondness, and empathy. These prose poems and sharp images tell personal stories that go straight to the gut.

example poem: 

Still Red


Our lease is coming up, his girlfriend said.

They were driving home after their regular

Tuesday night dinner out, stuffed with Rib-eyes

and loaded baked potatoes.  How soon?

he asked.  End of the month, she replied.

He started to brake for a red light.  She asked him

what he thought.  He looked to his left

at the old K-Mart building.  He tried to think

how long it had been out of business,

but couldn't remember.  I'd like more space,

I guess, he told her, still staring at the big empty

parking lot.  Me, too, she said.  More space

might help us.  He looked up at the traffic light.

Still red.  He moved the gearshift to neutral

then back to first gear.  Jesus, he said.

Does this light ever change?  I know, she answered.

It feels like we've been sitting here forever.

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